Vol. 5 No. 02 (2025): Volume 05 Issue 02: International Journal of Pedagogics
Methods and methods of teaching the science of technical training using digital education technology
The content of the formation of the skills of adherence to a healthy lifestyle in primary school students
The importance of pedagogical psychology in higher education
The importance of CLIL method in improving professional English teaching technologies in non-philological educational directions
Harnessing Learning Management Systems to Boost Student Learning Outcomes: Insights from a Case Study
Pedagogical possibilities of organizing music listening activities of future music teachers
The practical significance of integrating prose works in developing students’ literary-aesthetic competencies
The New Stage of Enlightenment in Turkestan
The musical and aesthetic culture of the individual: essence and components
Preparing Students for Competitions in The National Type of Wrestling
Medical biology as a basis for medical education: pedagogical approaches and modern technologies
Convenience and efficiency of using government services remotely
Psychological foundations of teaching karakalpak literature in a foreign-language environment
Effective methods for developing communication between husband and wife in the family
Characteristics of implementation of technical-tactical actions depending on the method of conducting competitions in types of sports wrestling
Using improvisation to develop communication skills in future teachers
The Significance of Nurturing Students' Creativity in an Educational Context
Some reflections on mutual and collaborative learning issues in German language teaching
Methodology for developing creative thinking in primary school students
Analysis of foreign and domestic experience in developing cognitive universal learning activities of students
Developing Creative Competence Based on the International Assessment System in the Education Course
Classical and modern music theory: comparison and interaction
Methodology of using graphic software to enhance students' knowledge in technical drawing
Types of natural science training for biology specialists
Comparative analysis of phonetics games and traditional methods of teaching phonetics for the formation of cognitive universal learning actions in primary school
Medical literacy and learning activity: effective strategies in the primary education process
Development of connected speech in children with mental disabilities
Organizational and pedagogical conditions of introduction of modern management principles to HEIs of Uzbekistan
Training using virtual and augmented reality
Opportunities, limitations and prospects for the implementation of simulation modeling in the training of oil and gas industry specialists
Increasing the level of physical fitness of students through physical education through sports and health tourism
Model of development of professional transversal competences of future educators
Improving the professional skills of future music teachers through computer programs
Opportunities for teaching the theoretical mechanics section of physics using educational software tools
The development of the role of the methodological service in developing the professional competence of educators
Effective ways to teach students to choose a profession in primary education
The Role of Latin in the Pedagogical Process: Connection with Medical Disciplines
Ethical viewpoint formation through effective neuropedagogical methods and technologies
The influence of class size on teacher-student interaction
Designing interасtive аnimаtiоn-bаsed асtivities tо teасh english grаmmаr
Mechanisms for organizing spiritual and educational work in pedagogical practice
Enhancing the process of cultivating communication skills in aspiring engineers via critical thinking
Content of improving the preparation of students for wrestling sports competitions
Developing students' interest in knowledge through extracurricular educational activities
Effectiveness of using project-based educational technology in teaching moral education
Doira: Traditional Elegance and Rhythm
Current state of assessment of reading literacy of primary school pupils based on text analysis
Factors ensuring the development of speech in preschool children
Russian experience and modern approaches in educating foreign students
Critical thinking and creativity in teaching the Russian language in schools with Uzbek language of instruction in the new Uzbekistan
Intercultural communication and stereotypes in film
A practical methodological system for developing responsibility in students based on anthropocentric approaches
Improving the quality of education by implementing the iso 9001 quality management system in technical higher education institutions
Importance of needs analysis in ESP classroom