The significance of piano works in the creation of Kazakhstan composers

Section: Articles Published Date: 2025-02-28 Pages: 225-228 Views: 0 Downloads: 0


  • Abdurazzoqova Zilola Abdufattokhovna Teacher of the Department of “Interfaculty Piano Performance”, Botir Zakirov National Institute of Pop Art under the State Conservatory of Uzbekistan,


This article analyzes the role and significance of piano works by Kazakh composers in musical culture. The creative approach of composers, the musical structure of their works written for piano, their specific features based on national traditions are considered. Also, the pedagogical and performance aspects of piano works are analyzed, and their role in the musical and educational process is revealed. The article highlights the importance of piano works in the development of Kazakh musical art and their influence on the formation of a professional performing and composing school.


Kazakh composers, piano works, performance