Author Guidelines for Oscar Publishing Services

1. Manuscript Submission

1.1 Submission Process

  • Online Submission: Manuscripts should be submitted through the Oscar Publishing Services online submission system. Ensure that all necessary files are uploaded, including the main manuscript, figures, tables, and supplementary materials.
  • Cover Letter: A cover letter must accompany the manuscript, detailing the significance of the work, its originality, and any relevant information about the submission.

1.2 Manuscript Preparation

  • Language: Manuscripts must be written in English. Authors whose native language is not English are encouraged to seek assistance with manuscript preparation.
  • Formatting: Use a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman, 12-point), double-spaced text, and 1-inch margins on all sides. Manuscripts should be prepared using Microsoft Word or LaTeX (for mathematical and technical articles).

2. Manuscript Structure

2.1 Title Page

  • Title: The title should be concise and informative.
  • Authors and Affiliations: List all authors' full names and affiliations. Corresponding author details, including email address, should be clearly indicated.
  • Abstract: Provide a structured abstract of 150-250 words outlining the purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion.
  • Keywords: Include 4-6 keywords for indexing purposes.

2.2 Main Body

  • Introduction: Clearly state the research question and objectives. Provide a brief review of relevant literature and the study's significance.
  • Materials and Methods: Describe the materials, procedures, and analytical methods used in sufficient detail to allow replication of the study.
  • Results: Present the findings of the study in a logical sequence, using text, tables, and figures. Avoid duplicating data.
  • Discussion: Interpret the results, highlighting the study's implications, limitations, and potential for future research.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main findings and their significance.

2.3 References

  • Citation Style: Use the citation style specified by the journal (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Ensure all references are complete and accurate.
  • Reference List: List all references at the end of the manuscript, in alphabetical order by the first author's last name.

3. Figures and Tables

  • Figures: Figures should be high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi) and submitted as separate files in JPEG, PNG, or TIFF format. Include figure legends at the end of the manuscript.
  • Tables: Tables should be created using the table function in Word or included as LaTeX tables. Each table must have a title and footnotes if necessary.

4. Ethical Considerations

4.1 Authorship

  • Criteria: Authorship should be based on substantial contributions to conception and design, data acquisition, or analysis and interpretation of data; drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and final approval of the version to be published.
  • Acknowledgment: All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the acknowledgment section.

4.2 Plagiarism

  • Originality: Authors must ensure their work is original. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will lead to manuscript rejection.
  • Citation: Properly cite all sources and obtain permissions for any reused content.

4.3 Conflict of Interest

  • Disclosure: Authors must disclose any financial or other conflicts of interest that could influence the research or manuscript.

4.4 Ethical Approval

  • Human and Animal Studies: Authors must provide a statement on ethical approval for studies involving humans or animals. Include the name of the approving institution and the approval number.

5. Review Process

  • Peer Review: All manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review process to ensure the integrity and quality of the research.
  • Revisions: Authors may be asked to revise their manuscripts based on reviewers' comments. Timely submission of revised manuscripts is expected.

6. Publication Fees

  • Article Processing Charges: Details about any applicable publication fees or waivers will be provided on the journal's website.

7. Copyright and Open Access

  • License Agreement: Upon acceptance, authors will be required to sign a copyright agreement. Oscar Publishing Services typically operates under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) to promote open access.
  • Archiving: Authors are encouraged to deposit a copy of their published manuscript in an institutional or other repository of their choice.

8. Contact Information

For any queries or further assistance, authors can contact the editorial office at:

Oscar Publishing Services