Vol. 5 No. 01 (2025): Volume 05 Issue 01 : International Journal of Pedagogics
Integration of artificial intelligence and teaching methods in pedagogy
Methodology for teaching javascript programming language to students
Dеvеlорing studеnts' sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw thrоugh рrоblеm-bаsеd lеаrning tесhnоlоgiеs in рhilоsорhy еduсаtiоn
Types and forms of conflicts in primary education
Pedagogical-psychological basis of using the approaches to education of new enlightenmentalists
In Zulfiya's work: mother's love and feminine symbol
The new approach to teaching foreign languages
Methods of promoting national musical culture in the process of higher education
Flipped Classroom Model and Cultural Approach: Modern Teaching Strategies for English Literature
Requirements for professional competence and personal qualities of a visual arts teacher
The diversity of genres in cultural and educational radio programs
Methodology for improving academic singing performance skills for music education students
A system for developing methodologies for independent educational activities of future teachers in digital education environments
Structural analysis of the model of methodological competence formation in future foreign language teachers
Spring theme in the creation of zulfiyakhonim, the symbol of mercy and loyalty
Features of preparing future teachers for the professional socialization of students in general education schools
Issues of the Timbro-technical capabilities of the tuba instrument
Methods and means of forming creative musical thinking in students
The model for developing public speaking competencies in students and the effectiveness of interactive teaching methods used in its development
A modern model of implementing victimological prevention in society
Basic principles, content, and essence of theatrical pedagogy
The importance of using mobile applications in teaching mathematics
Methodological approach – as an important basis of the comparativist approach in primary education
Kеy еlеmеnts оf cоrроrаtе culturе in singароrе univеrsitiеs аnd thеir imраct оn institutiоnаl succеss
The role of physics in the formation of ecological education of schoolchildren
The role of economic sciences in developing entrepreneurial culture among students
Methodology for improving the methods of moral education of future teachers through the foundations of Islamic religion
Effectiveness of using the opportunities of bim technologies in developing the practical competence of construction students
Pedagogical conditions for the formation of a risk culture among future primary school teachers