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Pedagogical-psychological basis of using the approaches to education of new enlightenmentalists

Ismailov Tokhirjon Khushnudbek ugli , Teacher at Mamun University, Uzbekistan


This article studies the views of the Jadid Enlightenment on education and the pedagogical and psychological foundations of their use. The study analyzes the innovative approaches of the Jadid Enlightenment to education, their impact on modern educational processes and their relevance. Also, the importance of methodological approaches in the effective organization of the educational process and the comprehensive development of students based on the ideas of the Jadids is revealed. The article presents theoretical and practical proposals and recommendations for solving these issues.


Jadid Enlightenment, pedagogical foundations, psychological approach


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Ismailov Tokhirjon Khushnudbek ugli. (2025). Pedagogical-psychological basis of using the approaches to education of new enlightenmentalists. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 48–50.