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Methodology for improving the methods of moral education of future teachers through the foundations of Islamic religion

Mustanov Urol Abdinazarovich , Independent researcher, Uzbekistan


This article covers the methodological foundations of improving the moral education of future teachers through the foundations of Islam. The role of religious values in the process of moral education, the principles of Islamic morality and the methods of forming the moral qualities of the younger generation through them are analyzed. Also, ways to use the verses of the Quran, hadiths and the theory of Islamic education to improve the moral level of future teachers are shown. As a result of the research, innovative methods and interactive approaches are proposed that serve to increase the effectiveness of moral education.


Foundations of Islam, moral education, future teachers


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How to Cite

Mustanov Urol Abdinazarovich. (2025). Methodology for improving the methods of moral education of future teachers through the foundations of Islamic religion. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 60–62.