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Structural analysis of the model of methodological competence formation in future foreign language teachers

Urazova, Marina Batirovna , Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Scientific Supervisor, Uzbekistan
Djanabaeva Adina , Doctoral Student, 3rd Year, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Uzbekistan


This paper presents a structural analysis of an original model for developing methodological competence in prospective foreign language teachers. In the context of educational system modernization and the implementation of new educational standards, there is a growing need for educators possessing a high level of methodological competence. This research aims to develop and substantiate the structure of a model that considers current trends in foreign language teaching methodology. The study analyzes existing theoretical approaches to defining and structuring methodological competence, identifying key components such as motivational, cognitive, technological, and reflective aspects. Particular attention is paid to the interrelationships between these components and their influence on the competence formation process. The novelty of the research lies in [specify the concrete novelty here, e.g., introducing a new assessment criterion, developing an original methodology or model]. The research findings can be used to optimize curricula and programs for training future foreign language teachers, as well as to develop practical recommendations for fostering their methodological competence.


Methodological competence, Prospective foreign language teacher, Structural analysis, Model of formation


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Urazova, Marina Batirovna, & Djanabaeva Adina. (2025). Structural analysis of the model of methodological competence formation in future foreign language teachers. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 29–34.