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Methods and means of forming creative musical thinking in students

Raximov Kadambay , Acting Professor of the Department of “Art Studies”, Urgench State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article considers the issue of studying the methods and means of forming students' creative musical thinking. In this process, the importance of a creative approach, systematic formation of musical knowledge, development of listeners' aesthetic attitude to music, and the use of modern pedagogical technologies are analyzed. The article aims to show the impact of practical exercises, game methods, problem-based learning and other innovative methods on the development of musical thinking. It also considers the possibilities of using the achievements of national and world music in the development of musical thinking. The effectiveness of teaching students to think creatively and independently through these approaches is scientifically based.


Creative thinking, musical thinking, musical education


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Raximov Kadambay. (2025). Methods and means of forming creative musical thinking in students. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 23–25.