The role of physics in the formation of ecological education of schoolchildren
Otarbaev Amangeldi Edilbekovich , Assistant, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute named after Ajiniyaz, Nukus, Republic of UzbekistanAbstract
The article shows that the subject of physics occupies a large place in the formation of environmental education of schoolchildren. Physics as a science plays an important role in the formation of environmental knowledge, providing the necessary knowledge and tools for understanding and solving environmental problems. It helps to explain many natural phenomena that have a direct impact on the environment, and contributes to the development of technologies aimed at conservation and sustainable development. In recent decades, environmental education has become an integral part of school and university programs, since knowledge of environmental problems and how to solve them is a key factor in preserving our planet for future generations. Having shown that the greatest contribution of physics to environmental education is the ability to model and predict natural processes, he notes that with the help of physics it is possible to analyze climate change, study air and water pollution processes, assess the impact of various types of energy in the environment.
Ecology, physics, curriculum
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