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Types and forms of conflicts in primary education

Ismoilova Malika Erkinovna , 3rd-Year Doctoral Candidate at Navoi State University, Uzbekistan


This article provides a comprehensive analysis of conflicts in professional education and the methods and approaches to resolve them. It is well-known that conflict situations are quite common in professional education. These include conflicts between teachers and students, teachers and parents, and among students themselves. Each situation is critical and significant. Students in professional education are like budding flowers. Such situations can have a negative impact on their minds since they are not yet able to form independent opinions. They are always influenced by external factors, which can sometimes be negative and sometimes positive. It is well-established that conflict situations are closely connected with the science of psychology.


Methods of conflict resolution, alternative methods of resolving conflicts, theoretical and practical discussions.


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How to Cite

Ismoilova Malika Erkinovna. (2025). Types and forms of conflicts in primary education. International Journal of Pedagogics, 5(01), 79–83.