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Normirzayev Farhodjon Muminovich , Doctoral student at Namangan State University, Uzbekistan


Autocompetence, defined as the ability to self-regulate, reflect, and autonomously develop one’s skills, is increasingly recognized as a crucial quality for leaders in preschool education. This article explores the multifaceted concept of autocompetence, its theoretical foundations, and its practical significance in early childhood leadership. By examining current research and best practices, we discuss strategies for cultivating autocompetence among preschool education leaders. Fostering autocompetence enhances leaders’ effectiveness, promotes innovation, and creates supportive environments for both educators and children, ultimately contributing to improved educational outcomes and the holistic development of young learners.


Autocompetence, Preschool Education, Leadership


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Normirzayev Farhodjon Muminovich. (2024). THE CONCEPT OF AUTOCOMPETENCE: A KEY QUALITY FOR PRESCHOOL EDUCATION LEADERS. International Journal of Pedagogics, 4(11), 167–172.