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Rafikova Renata Anatolyevna , Senior Lecturer Of The Department Of "Pedagogy And Psychology" At Namangan State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article examines the psychological and pedagogical foundations of STEAM education in middle school. It provides a rationale for STEAM technology and its alignment with the state educational standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The impact of integrated learning on the psychological development of schoolchildren is described. The article presents the results of a formative experiment developed based on STEAM technology and conducted with 6th-grade students as part of a dissertation study.


STEAM education, STEAM projects, integrated learning


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How to Cite

Rafikova Renata Anatolyevna. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL AND PEDAGOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF STEAM EDUCATION IMPLEMENTATION IN MIDDLE SCHOOL. International Journal of Pedagogics, 4(10), 247–253.