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Ruslanbek Sarsenovich Rajapov , Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


The article describes the growing emphasis on international educational standards has necessitated the preparation of future pedagogues for participation in global assessment systems. This study explores the technology of preparing educators to meet the requirements of international assessment frameworks such as PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS. It examines the competencies that future pedagogues must develop, including digital literacy, cross-cultural communication, and critical thinking skills, which are vital for understanding and implementing international benchmarks. Through a detailed analysis of pedagogical methods, this research highlights the integration of technology-driven approaches, formative assessments, and reflective practices in teacher training programs.


Technology, future, pedagogues


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How to Cite

Ruslanbek Sarsenovich Rajapov. (2024). TECHNOLOGY OF PREPARING FUTURE PEDAGOGUES FOR THE INTERNATIONAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. International Journal of Pedagogics, 4(10), 127–135.