Earthquakes pose significant risks to populations worldwide, making preparedness and awareness crucial for minimizing potential harm. University students, who are often at a transitional stage in their lives, represent a critical group for assessing earthquake preparedness and awareness. This study aims to evaluate the levels of earthquake preparedness and awareness among university students, focusing on their knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to earthquake safety. A cross-sectional survey was conducted involving [number] undergraduate students from [university/department]. The survey included questions on earthquake knowledge, preparedness practices, and attitudes towards earthquake safety. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and comparative methods to identify gaps in awareness and preparedness.
The findings indicate varying levels of awareness and preparedness among students. While a significant portion demonstrated basic knowledge of earthquake safety measures, gaps were identified in practical preparedness and understanding of advanced safety protocols. Factors such as prior earthquake experience, academic background, and access to safety resources influenced the levels of preparedness. The study highlights the need for targeted educational interventions to improve earthquake preparedness and awareness among university students. Recommendations include integrating earthquake safety training into university curricula and enhancing access to practical preparedness resources. Improving awareness and preparedness can significantly contribute to the safety and resilience of the student population in the event of an earthquake.
Earthquake preparedness, earthquake awareness, university studentsHow to Cite
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