The article examines the historical context of the development of information systems and database management in the context of the evolution of technologies and the needs of society. The research includes an analysis of the key stages of information technology development, starting with the era of mechanical devices and machine maps in the XIX century, and ending with modern trends in cloud computing and distributed databases. The author emphasizes the influence of historical events, such as the Second World War and the Cold War, on the development of information systems. Special attention is paid to the role of pioneers such as Charles Babbage and Alan Turing in the formation of the basic concepts underlying modern information technologies. The article also highlights the key stages of the evolution of database management, starting with early hierarchical and network models and reaching modern relational and NoSQL systems. The authors identify factors that determine changes in data management requirements, such as the amount of information, processing speed and flexibility of data structures. The study highlights the importance of understanding the historical context for a better understanding of modern challenges and opportunities in the field of information systems and database management. In conclusion, the article offers prospects for further research and development in this area.
Information systems, database management (DBM), historical context, technological evolutionHow to Cite
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