Small business and private entrepreneurship play an important role in the socio-economic development of all countries in the conditions of globalization taking place in the world today. In the current era of rapid changes, attention is being paid to business and entrepreneurship as one of the decisive, strategically important, priority areas of economic reforms. Because this industry is an industry that can quickly adapt to the demands and changes in the world and regional markets, and can quickly withstand the threats and negative consequences of the global financial and economic crisis. Today, 90% of businesses in developing countries are small and medium-sized enterprises, and they provide the opportunity to create more than 50% of jobs. Formally established small business enterprises account for 40% of the GDP of these countries. The World Bank estimates that by 2030, 600 million jobs will be needed to keep up with the growing population. This requires rapid development and institutional modernization of small business and private entrepreneurship. Therefore, this problem sets the task of expanding the scope of scientific research in this regard, introducing innovative technologies to the field on a large scale.
Small business, gross national product, , income, profitHow to Cite
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