A. F. M. Ataur Rahman
Professor Department of Economics, North South University Plot 15, Bloc B, Bashundhara Dhaka 1229, Bangladesh
Makhmud Sultanov
PhD, senior researcher of the sector "Methodological problems of the development of the financial market and financial and banking system" of the scientific research centre "Scientific Foundations and Problems of Development of the Economy of Uzbekistan" at the Tashkent State Economic University.
American University of Nigeria, Yola, Nigeria School of Business and Entrepreneurship
Dr. Erkaev N. Akrom
Doctor of Philosophy in Economic Sciences, Senior lecturer at the Department of Fundamental Economics at the Tashkent State University of Economics
Dr. Mohmad Mushtaq Khan
Assistant Professor, KL University, Hyderabad India.
Dr. R.V. Palanivel
Associate Professor in Faculty of Management, Sharda University, 73, Boburshah Prospekt, Andijan, Uzbekistan, Central Asia.
Dilmurod Khujamkulov
Department of World Economy, Faculty of Corporate governance, Tashkent State University of Economics, Tashkent
Md Arif, Department of Management Science and Quantitative Methods, Gannon University, USA
Dr. Azam J.Avazov, Doctor of Philosophy in Economical Sciences
Head of the part-time (special part-time) department of Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
Dr. Abdivali Shamshiev,Associate professor, candidate of economic sciences
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan
Dr. Yusufaliev A. Olimjon, Doctor of Philosophy in Economical Sciences,
Senior Lecturer at the department of "Economics" at Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Dr. Nargiz T. Yakubova
Doctor of Philosophy in Economical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of "Insurance and Pension Affairs" at the Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan
Dr. Tashbolta T. Djurayev
Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Economics at the Tashkent Financial, Uzbekistan
Abduxamit Tangirov
Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor of Primary Education Methodology Department. oscar publishing philology, Uzbekistan
Dr. Zarofat Z. Khudayberganova
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Department of Bank Account and Audit Tashkent Financial Institute Uzbekistan
Dr. Ahmetjon A. Mamatov
Doctor of Sciences in Economics, professor at the department of "Economics", Tashkent Financial Institute, Uzbekistan
Berdikulov Azzam Mardanovich, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Uzbekistan
Seydaliyeva Leylya Djombekovna, Associate Professor of Uzbekistan state university of physical education and sport, Uzbekistan
Nurbaev Bakhtiyor Shirinovich
Associate Professor of Uzbekistan state university of physical education and sport
Aralov Xudoyor Musakulovich – Candidate of Economics, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan
Botirova Rahima Abdujabbarovna, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor. Namangan Engineering Construction Institute. Associate Professor of the "Economics" Department, Uzbekistan
Abduxamit Tangirov, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Associate Professor of Primary Education Methodology Department
Ibragimova Madina Ismoilovna, Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Economics, Samarkand Institute of Economics and Service, Uzbekistan
Ashurova Nasiba Batirovna, Vice-Rector for Financial Affairs Navoiy state university of mining and technologies, Uzbekistan.
Kakhkharov Zukhriddin Zafarbek ugli Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Associate Professor Economics Tashkent Institute of Finance, Uzbekistan.
Eshdavlatova Gulrux Eshmamatovna Associate Professor, Faculty of industrial technology, Karshi Institute of engineering and economic, Uzbekistan
Makhmudov Odiljon Kholmirzaevich Doctor of Economic Sciences (DSc), professor, Tashkent State University of Economics Andijan Faculty of Social and Humanities Department Head, DSc, Professor, Uzbekistan
Yusupov Ravshanbek Aminbayevich, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD) Head of the Master’s department of the Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministries of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Kadirov Bahadir Kudratovich, Associate Professor of Termiz State University, Candidate of Economics, Uzbekistan
Kadyrov Bakhodir Tursunovich, Andijan Institute of Economics and Construction, teporarly Associate Professor of the Department of Network Economics. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Economics, Uzbekistan
BERDIYAROV BAKHRIDDIN TAVASHAROVICH – Professor, Head of the Department of Correspondence and Distance Education of the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Doctor of Economics, Uzbekistan
Mamatkulov Bakhtiyor Xalmuradovich - doctor of economic sciences, Tashkent State University of Economics Professor of the Department of "Economic Statistics", , Uzbekistan
Makhamadzhanov Akbar Makhamadalievich, Associate Professor of the "Marketing" Department of Tashkent State University of Economics, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics (PhD), Tashkent city, Uzbekistan
Turaeva Gulizakhro, Masters, Lecturer at the Department of Accounting and Finance, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Aysachev Abdulfotikh Abdulfaizovich, Docent. Doctor of philosophy (PhD) Economic Sciences. University of economics and pedagogy, Andijan, Uzbekistan
Ilimdorjon Jakhongirov, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Jabborova Zaynab Mamasodikovna, Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute(PhD), Uzbekistan
Salokhitdinov Sherzod Farhodovich, Associate Professor of Jizzakh Branch of the National University of Uzbekistan (PhD), Uzbekistan
Musaeva Dilnoza Dilshatovna, teacher of National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek(PhD), Uzbekistan
Korabayev Eldor Alijonovich, Tashkent university of information technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Department of information security, PhD in economics, senior lecture, Uzbekistan
Ibragimov Nodir Nusriddinovich, PhD, Karshi branch of Tashkent University of Information Technology named after Muhammad al-Khwarazmi, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Uzbekistan
Baltabay Ataniyazov, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Affairs, Institute of Personnel Training and Statistical Research of the Statistics Agency under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Dr. Dilfuza Shabbazova, PhD., Associate Professor Termez State Pedagogical Institute, Termez, Uzbekistan
Dr. Khamroqul Buriyev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Turgunov Tursunboy Sabirovich, vice-rector for financial and economic affairs. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Uzbekistan
Rakhmonnazarov Pakhlavon Yigitalievich, PhD in Economic Sciences, Lecturer, Department of Economics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Husanboev Sadafbek Yorqinjon ogli, PhD in Economical Sciences, Lecturer, Department of German and French Languages, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Fergana State University, 150100 Fergana, Uzbekistan
Akhunova Shokhistakhon Nomanjanovna, PhD in Economical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan
Dr. Akhmedov Khabibulla, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Yusupov Rustam Abdimuratovich, PhD, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Management and Economics, Uzbekistan
Vorobeva Oksana Anatolevna, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Economics, docent Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Umarov Baxodir Sultonovich, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Economics, docent, Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Nazarkulov Umidjan Raximjanovich, Doctor of Sciences (DSc), Economics. Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Kodirov Ermat Toshpulatovich, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Economics, docent Tashkent State University of Economics, Uzbekistan
Narzullaeva Umidakhon Nodir kizi, Doctor of philosophy (PhD) in economical sciences Institute for Fiscal Scientific Research under MoEF, Uzbekistan