Section: Articles Published Date: 2023-10-30 Pages: 34-46 Views: 0 Downloads: 0


  • Jasur Ekhsonov Kokand Branch Of Tashkent State Technical University Named After Islam Karimov, Department Of Education Quality Control, Kokand City, Uzbekistan
  • Elmurod Khoshimov The Banking And Finance Academy Republic Of Uzbekistan, Ceo, Tashkent City, Uzbekistan


The transport and logistics hub section of the Uzbek Foresight Technology Programme and the study compiled in accordance with the relevant legal document of the government summarizes the main purpose, tasks, and results of the research conducted on the future analysis of transport. It describes the characteristics and methodology of the Uzbek Foresight Technology Programme, based on scenario building, professional workshops, and a large-scale Delphi survey, and evaluates in detail the specific research methods and results of the Transport and Logistics hub panel. The research outputs so far are panel guidelines, panel images, and Delphi statements on transport and logistics. Further tasks include creating a scenario based on the panel images, holding professional meetings to discuss future development paths, and writing a panel report summarizing the results and making recommendations for transport policy.


Logistics, transport, logistics hub