Worldwide Interest in Eastern culture, especially in miniature art, has always been high. The appearance of historical figures reflected in the works of Eastern scholars play an important role in the restoration of their original images and in-depth study of their way of life. Currently, Oriental miniatures depicting historical figures are kept in various regions of the world, in museums and libraries, scientific institutions, and private collections. Experts from different countries of the world are studying these works in depth.
Worldwide Interest in Eastern culture, especially in miniature art, has always been highHow to Cite
Abdukholiqov F. Rahimova Z. Miniatyura sanatida portret: Movarounnahr tarikhi va madaniyati bilan boghliq siymolar. [Portraiture in Miniature Art: Figures Related to Movarounnahr History and Culture] - Tashkent: Zamon Press-info, 2022.
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Gorelik M.V. Portrety Bekhzada / K voprosu o tvorcheskom metode // Art and archeology Irana. Documented. Vsesoyuznaya conference . Moscow, 1969 . - S. 111–121.
Kamal ud-Din Behzad. "Temur is organizing a celebration on the occasion of his election as the Great Amir". Sharafillin Ali Yazdi, Zafarnameh. - Herat, 1480-1485. - John W. Garrett Library. Johns Hopkins University.
Kamal ud-Din Behzad. "Temur is organizing a celebration on the occasion of his election as the Great Amir". Sharaf ad-Din Ali Yazdi, Zafarnama. - Herat, 1480-1485. John W. Garrett Library. Johns Hopkins University.
Kulikovsky P.G. Jan Heveli // Istori ko-astronomicheskie issledovaniya. (to the 350th anniversary of the birth) // Historical and astronomical research. Issue. VII). Vyp . VII.1961. S. 257-288.
Lentz, Thomas W., Lowry, Glenn D. Temur and the princely vision // Persian Art and Culture in the Fifteenth Century, 1989 . - Rr. 110–111.
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Nizami Ganjavi. Khamsa, Sharafnama, Herat, 1494. - British Library, #6800. - B 214 r .
Nizami Aruzi Samarqandi. Chetyre besedy (Four Articles) . - Moscow, Nauka. 1963, - P 114.
Polyakova Y. A., Rakhimova Z. I. Miniatyura i literatura vostoka. [Miniature and literature of the East]. - Tashkent, Publishing house of literature and art named after Gafur Gulyam, 1987.
Portrait of Shah Jahan on horseback . A page from " Shah Jahan Muraqqasi" . guess _ 1630 year. Metropolitan Museum , New York; A portrait of Shah Awrangzeb on horseback . guess _ 1690–1710 years. - Cleveland Museum of Art .
Roxburgh, David J. Kamal Al-Din Bihzad and Authorship in Persianate Painting. In Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World, XVII, 2000 .
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Shihab ad-Din Muhammad ibn Ahmad an- Nasawi. Sirat al-Sultan Djalal ad-Din Mankburny : (The history of Djalal ad-Din Mankburny ). Kritich . text, per. s arab., predisl., comment ., primech. i indicator Z.M. Buniyatova . Moscow : Vostochnaya literatura , 1996 . - S. 288
Sheikh Osmankhan Temurkhan Samarkandi. Tafsir Irfan. - Tashkent. East, 2019. Volume 3. - B 158-159.
Temur and the princely vision . - Cambridge, Harvard University Art Museums (Arthur M. Sackler Museum) –, R. 113.
Widengren G. Mani i manicheistvo, Moscow , Nauka , 2001. - S. 67.
Yakubovsky A. Tamerlan. Epoch. Lichnost. Deyanie. - Moscow. Gurash, 1992. - S. 23.
Zahir ud-Din Muhammed Babur. Baburname / Transl. m. Sale . - Tashkent, Uzdavnashr, 1958 . - S. 173-174.
Zahir ud-Din Muhammed Babur. Baburname / Transl. m. Sale . - Tashkent, Uzdavnashr, 1958 . - S. 165.