Ergashev Rasulbek , Master's Degree In English Linguistics, Professor Of English Linguistics, Turan International University, Namangan, UzbekistanAbstract
This article provides a comprehensive examination of the intricate relationship between learning theories and teaching approaches, emphasizing its global significance and specific implications for Uzbekistan's foreign language classrooms. Combining insights from two detailed sources and a survey conducted in three languages, the exploration encompasses theoretical foundations, contextual factors, and practical findings.
The final segment integrates findings from an anonymous survey conducted in three languages, revealing student perceptions and experiences in Uzbekistan's language classrooms. Key insights include the variability in teaching methods, teacher consideration for the impact on learning, the prevalence of diverse teaching approaches, commonly used methods, effectiveness ratings, challenges faced, integration of learning theories, teacher training levels, and the perceived impact on education policies.
By combining these components, the article aims to offer a holistic understanding of the complex relationship between learning theories and teaching approaches. Practical implications are drawn for educators in Uzbekistan and beyond, providing tailored strategies that align with cultural and educational contexts, ultimately enhancing teaching and learning outcomes.
Learning theories, teaching approaches, Uzbekistan
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