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Mirsharipova Guljakhan Kamalovna , Associate Professor, Department of Agro-Soil Science and Reclamation, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Komilov Nozimjon Abdurakhimovich , Teacher, Department of Agro-Soil Science and Reclamation, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan
Rahmonkulov Kаhramon , Master’s degree, Department of Agro-Soil Science and Reclamation, Gulistan State University, Uzbekistan


This study investigates the effect of sowing dates on the protein, oil, non-nitrogenous extractive substances, and maturation levels in chickpea grains grown under slightly saline soil conditions. The findings indicate the impact of sowing time on the chemical composition of chickpea, including its nutritional and medicinal properties.


Chickpea, sowing date, varieties


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Mirsharipova Guljakhan Kamalovna, Komilov Nozimjon Abdurakhimovich, & Rahmonkulov Kаhramon. (2024). NUTRITIONAL AND MEDICINAL VALUE OF CHICKPEA GRAIN. American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations, 4(11), 26–33.