The article "The role of fine arts in the development of students in grades 5-6" explores the impact of studying fine arts on the diverse development of schoolchildren aged 10-12 years. The author examines the importance of artistic activity in the context of the formation of creativity, emotional expressiveness, as well as cognitive and motor skills in elementary school students. The article is based on empirical data obtained as a result of observations, testing and questionnaires of students, teachers and parents. The paper analyzes specific methods of teaching fine arts that contribute to the development of creative thinking and imagination of schoolchildren. The results of the study emphasize the importance of including visual arts in the educational process to stimulate critical thinking, develop aesthetic perception and enrich the personal experience of elementary school students. The approaches presented in the article can serve as a basis for the development of effective methods of teaching fine arts in primary schools in order to improve the educational process and integrate creative components into the curriculum.
Visual arts, Student development, Educational processHow to Cite
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