Abdirakhimova Mokhigul Normurodovna , Department Of Philology And Pedagogical Sciences Senior Teacher The University Of Economics And Pedagogy Non-State Institution. Karshi, UzbekistanAbstract
This article outlines and describes eight Essentials of Second Language Education that fit with the CLT paradigm shift. It focuses on one of the eight essentials and the concludes. These eight essentials are: encourage Learner Autonomy, emphasize the Social Nature of Learning, develop Curricular Integration, Focus on Meaning, celebrate Diversity, expand Thinking Skills, utilize Alternative Assessment methods, and promote English language Teachers as Co-learners.
CLT, Encourage Learner Autonomy,, Emphasize Social Nature of Learning
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Sh. U. Ishonkulov / “The role of technology in teaching English Language skills” American Journal Of Philological Sciences in Volume 03 Issue06 June 2023.
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