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Raximov B.K. , Tashkent City Clinical Hospital No. 4 Named After I. Irgashev, Uzbekistan
Rasulov H.A. , Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Peritonitis is a severe complication of inflammatory and destructive diseases of the abdominal organs, with severe local and general symptoms, with the development of multiple organ failure. With widespread peritonitis, the mortality rate is 20-30%, and with the most severe forms this figure increases to 40-50%. Because of this, the topic of peritonitis is still on the agenda. The article presents a retrospective analysis of data from 1830 patients who were treated in the surgical department of the 4th Clinical Hospital named after. I. Irgashev in 2023. This scientific analysis focuses on the extent and effectiveness of surgical interventions selected based on the clinical course, duration and extent of peritonitis. At the same time, the article also studied the reaction of the morphological structures of the peritoneum in accordance with the duration and spread of the inflammatory process during peritonitis.


diffuse peritonitis, surgical treatment, mast cell degranulation


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Raximov B.K., & Rasulov H.A. (2024). CLINICAL AND MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF PERITONITIS DEPENDING ON ITS PREVALENCE AND DURATION. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 4(05), 23–30.