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Tabibova M.M. , City Clinical Children's Hospital No. 1 of the Ministry of healthcare of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


According to WHO, diseases caused by the herpes simplex virus occupy the second place after influenza [1,4,5]. It has been established that up to 80% of cases of temporary disability are associated with inflammatory eye diseases, 50-60 of them% they receive inpatient treatment. According to various authors, a significant place among the causes of blindness or visual impairment (10-30% of cases) belongs to keratitis and keratouveitis. Most often, this corneal disease is caused by the herpes simplex virus, which are noted in 20-57% of cases among in the adult population and in 70-80% of cases - among children [3|. But at the same time, some authors report that herpetic primary infection is usually found in young children, but in a cold form and does not require treatment. In this regard, we decided to share our experience in the treatment of herpetic keratitis in children.


Inflammatory eye diseases, various authors, a significant


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Tabibova M.M. (2024). OUR EXPERIENCE IN THE TREATMENT OF HERPETIC KERATITIS IN CHILDREN. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 4(05), 20–22.