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Daminov Feruz Asadullaevich , Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


Purpose of the study.  To develop a system of active surgical tactics for burn patients over 60 years of age based on the intestation of methods of general and local treatment.

Research materials.  In the burn department of the Samarkand branch of the RSCFEMC in the period 2002-2022, 419 elderly and senile patients were treated with burn disease.

Research results.  Treatment of burn disease in the elderly is often aggravated by various complications, which contributes to high mortality.

Conclusions.  Active surgical tactics (RCN, ADP) in patients with deep lesions up to 7-10% does not increase mortality compared to conservative tactics, but reduces the bed-day by 2 times and mortality from 23.6 to 14.3%.


Burn disease, elderly and senile age, early surgical necrectomy


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Daminov Feruz Asadullaevich. (2023). ASPECTS OF COMPLEX TREATMENT OF BURN DISEASE IN ELDERLY AND SENILE AGE. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 3(06), 30–37.