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Nadia Khursheed , Junior Resident, Dept Of Orthopedic Surgery, Government Medical College, Srinagar, India


This study aims to conduct an anthropometric analysis of hip joint characteristics in the Kashmir Valley using computed tomography (CT) imaging. Understanding the anatomical variations and dimensions of the hip joint is crucial for orthopedic surgeons in the diagnosis, treatment, and preoperative planning of hip-related disorders and surgeries. However, limited research has focused on the hip joint characteristics specific to the population in the Kashmir Valley. This study utilizes CT scans to measure and analyze various anthropometric parameters of the hip joint, including acetabular depth, femoral head diameter, and neck-shaft angle. The findings provide valuable insights into the hip joint characteristics of individuals in the Kashmir Valley, contributing to the development of region-specific reference data and aiding in the improvement of surgical outcomes and prosthesis design in this population.


Anthropometric study, hip joint characteristics, computed tomography


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Nadia Khursheed. (2023). ANTHROPOMETRIC STUDY OF HIP JOINT CHARACTERISTICS IN THE KASHMIR VALLEY USING COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY. International Journal of Medical Sciences And Clinical Research, 3(06), 05–09.