Analysis of the influence of management on the quality of tourism services and the competitiveness of a tourism company
Ergasheva Iroda Ibroxim qizi , Deparmant Economics, University of Science and Technology, UzbekistanAbstract
The tourism industry thrives on the quality of services provided and the competitive positioning of companies in a dynamic marketplace. Effective management serves as the linchpin in achieving these objectives, influencing strategic planning, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction. This article explores the critical role of management in enhancing the quality of tourism services and strengthening the competitiveness of tourism companies. It examines key aspects such as employee training, customer feedback systems, technology integration, and sustainability practices. Additionally, the paper highlights the challenges faced by managers, including resource constraints and fluctuating market demands, and presents actionable strategies to overcome them. By linking theoretical frameworks with practical applications, this study underscores the transformative potential of management in shaping the future of the tourism industry.
Tourism management, service quality, competitiveness
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