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The Role of Tourism in Socio-Economic Development

Saidalieva Mubina Golib kizi , University of Science and Technology, Tashkent city, bachelor's degree, Uzbekistan
Isayeva Nargiza Xamidovna , Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Science and Technology, Uzbekistan


This article presents views on the essence of tourism services, their role in providing opportunities for socio-economic development, and vividly presents the economic trends in the development of the tourism services market on a global scale and in our country. The factors affecting the tourism sector and the possibilities of its development have been studied, relevant conclusions, scientific proposals and practical recommendations have been transmitted.


Tourism, tourism direction, national economy


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Saidalieva Mubina Golib kizi, & Isayeva Nargiza Xamidovna. (2025). The Role of Tourism in Socio-Economic Development. International Journal Of Management And Economics Fundamental, 5(01), 18–21.