The importance of political parties in shaping public governance

Section: Articles Published Date: 2025-01-16 Pages: 14-16 Views: 0 Downloads: 0




Since the emergence of humanity, governance relations have taken different forms in different eras and have been formed in different ways. As the world community became more modern, the ways of forming the administration became more democratized. Today, people's participation in the formation of state administration is carried out through free, democratic and transparent elections. We can observe that the characteristics of the electoral system are manifested in different ways in different countries of the world. Studying the importance of the political party institution in the formation of state administration through elections is one of the urgent tasks of modern political science.

In our country, in recent years, the importance of civil society institutions, in particular political parties, has been increasing in shaping the system of public administration. As a result of reforms, political parties have become the main institutions that form the government, along with the presidential and parliamentary institutions, which has further increased its influence.


Political party, state governance, parliament