National economic security has emerged as a critical component of broader security strategies in contemporary geopolitics, where economic policies and decisions are increasingly framed through the lens of securitization. This paper critically examines the politics of securitization in relation to national economic security, investigating how economic issues such as trade, finance, resources, and infrastructure are being treated as national security concerns. Drawing on the securitization theory, this study analyzes how economic challenges—ranging from supply chain vulnerabilities to cyber threats in finance—are redefined as existential threats to the stability and sovereignty of nations. The paper explores the implications of this shift, highlighting both the potential benefits and risks associated with framing economic issues in security terms. By reviewing case studies from various global contexts, this research aims to understand the consequences of securitizing economic matters and the political dynamics that shape such decisions. Ultimately, the paper argues that while securitization can offer strategic advantages in addressing economic vulnerabilities, it also raises significant questions about governance, state power, and individual freedoms, urging a careful balance between economic policy and security measures.
National Economic Security, Securitization, Political EconomyHow to Cite
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