when studying the history of a particular area or monument, it is important to pay attention to what it’s natural-geographical and economic-political place in the region is, in addition to focusing on the coverage of the same monument in written sources, its archaeological study. Only then will we be able to properly restore the historical landscape of the monument that we want to explore. Any archaeological site, whether it is an ordinary village or a large city, can take its place in the region on the basis of certain laws.
This article examines the historical topography of the Khazor Zhush, a medieval monument located in the northern part of Samarkand, Sogdia. It is known that in the Middle Ages there were dozens of large and small towns, villages and towns in Samarkand Sogdiana. They also served as important regional economic hubs, depending on certain natural, geographical and economic conditions.
Local and Arab-Persian written sources have brought us a huge amount of valuable information about the local conditions of Samarkand-Sogdiana, their center, and their economy. Based on the information provided in these sources, it is possible to get an idea of the economic and political role of the cities of Sogdiana, their importance in the Silk Road system.
The article highlights the study of the Khazor Zhush monument in the sources, its archaeological description and economic and political significance in Central Sogdia.
Sogdiana, Samarkand, Hazora ZhushHow to Cite
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