In this article, the problem of the Kurds in Syria is in the foreign policy of Turkey, which is considered one of the leading actors in the Middle East region and Turkey’s military operations aimed at preventing Kurdish separatism will be covered in detail.
“Peshmerga”, “Syrian Kurdistan”, “Euphrates Shield”How to Cite
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Adem Uzun. “Living Freedom” The evolution of Kurdish Conflict in Turkey and the Efforts to Resolve it. BerghofFondation., 2014. – P. 16-18.
“Peshmerga” - those who face death. The Peshmerga comprise the standing military of Kurdistan Region, an autonomous political entity within the Republic of Iraq.
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Batafsil qarang: Azimov H.Y. Suriya inqirozining Turkiyadagi ijtimoiy-siyosiy jarayonlarga ta’siri. Siyosiy fanlar bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiyasi. – T.: 2024. – B.126-127.
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