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Abdullayeva Gulandom Anvarovna , Turkish language teacher at Oriental University, Uzbekistan


In recent years, in Uzbek linguistics, in particular, in Turkology, the direction of in-depth research of the place of certain linguistic units in the landscape of the world is gaining priority. In this regard , the researches devoted to the border of Uzbek and Karadash Turkic languages are considered important . Because " the history of the Uzbek language, which belongs to the big family of Turkic languages, is closely connected with the centuries-old past of our people , its dreams , sorrows , dreams , triumphs and victories ." In this sense, the comparative study of the phytomorphic comparative units expressing human character and characteristics in the Uzbek and Turkish languages shows the general and specific aspects of the reflection of the world view in the two sister languages . creates a wide range of intentions to determine.


Turkic languages, human character, phytomorph


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Abdullayeva Gulandom Anvarovna. (2024). COMPARATIVE PHYTOMORPH UNITS EXPRESSING HUMAN CHARACTER. American Journal Of Social Sciences And Humanity Research, 4(10), 296–299.