The article examines the work of Navoi as a classic historian of the Timurid Renaissance, and also talks about such historical works as “Tarihi Muluki Ajam” and “Tarihi Anbiyo wa Hukamo”, which he skillfully wrote. The names and works of famous historians of the East who lived in the past and in their time are mentioned, or “Rauzat us-safo”, VII book of Mirkhond, written under the auspices of Navoi. Navoiʼs book “Tarihi anbiyo va hukamo” analyzes the verdicts dedicated to Hakim Lukmoni and Hakim Fizogurs. Tarihi Muluki Ajam is said to cover the history of Peshdadi, Kayani, Ashkan and the Sasanian rulers of anciyent Iran. Among the historical and geographical terms used in Navoiʼs works, an explanation of Yasi and the history of such ethnonyms as Uygur, Chigatoy, Kungirot, Kiyat is also revealed in a certain sense.
Historian, historical works, rulersHow to Cite
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