In modern education, it is crucial to deliver knowledge using new pedagogical tools in addition to traditional methods. To enhance cognitive development, improve the quality of education, and increase students' interest, it is necessary to effectively utilize information and communication technologies (ICT). In Uzbek language lessons, using ICT tools in teaching the noun word class not only increases student activity but also significantly improves their understanding. This article analyzes the importance of ICT in teaching nouns, its methods of use, and its role in developing students' language skills.
Information and communication technologies, online platforms, interactive programsHow to Cite
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Bakhtikhon Kurbanova, & Makhfuza Omonillayeva. (2023). COOPERATIVE PEDAGOGY AS THE CONTENT OF PREPARATION FOR SOCIAL ACTIVITY. Open Access Repository, 4(3), 668–673. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/YZKXQ
Makhfuza Omonillayeva, Teacher of the "Theory of Primary Education" Department of the Uzbekistan-Finland Pedagogical Institute Ozoda Saipova, 3rd-Year Student of the Primary Education Department
Omonillayeva Maxfuza Ilyosjon qizi O‘zbekiston-Finlandiya pedagogika instituti Maktabgacha va boshlang‘ich ta’lim fakulteti “Boshlang‘ich ta’lim” kafedrasi o‘qituvchisi https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14135191
Information Sources
www.edu.uz – Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan
www.gov.uz – Government Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan
www.pedagog.uz – Educational portal for educators in Uzbekistan
www.tdpu.uz – Tashkent State Pedagogical University
www.Ziyonet.uz – A national educational network in Uzbekistan
Copyright (c) 2024 Omonillayeva Maxfuza Ilyosjon qizi, Ozoda Soipova

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