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Kholboyeva Muslima , Doctoral student of the Institute of Uzbek language, literature and folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Folklore is a mirror that shows the oral literature of a certain nation. In this mirror, folklore shows itself with different genres. Epics, fairy tales, songs, askiyas, proverbs, riddles and parables are among them. One of the most used images in these genres is a flower and a nightingale. In this article, we will analyze the fact that these images are used sufficiently in many genres of folklore. In particular, their role in folk epics (Alpomish and Kuntug'mish), songs, proverbs, riddles, askiya and fairy tales has been studied.


Folklore, songs, flower and nightingale


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Kholboyeva Muslima. (2024). THE IMAGE OF FLOWER AND NIGHTINGALE IN UZBEK FOLKLORE. American Journal of Philological Sciences, 4(10), 131–135.