Mahmudova Zilola Shukhrat qizi , Chirchik State Pedagogical University, English teacher of the English language theory and practice department, UzbekistanAbstract
Total Physical Response (TPR) is a dynamic language teaching method that combines physical movement with verbal input to enhance language acquisition. This article examines various TPR activities, such as commands, storytelling, role-playing, and games, which engage students physically while they learn. These activities accommodate diverse learning styles, benefiting kinesthetic learners who excel with movement.
The article emphasizes TPR's effectiveness in improving vocabulary retention, listening skills, and engagement. By linking actions to the language being taught, TPR reduces anxiety, creating a more enjoyable and less intimidating learning environment. Variations like group commands and interactive storytelling offer flexibility for different age groups and proficiency levels, making TPR a versatile method.
Additionally, TPR promotes natural language acquisition by mirroring how children learn their first language—through listening and physical response before speaking. The article concludes that incorporating diverse TPR activities accelerates learning and fosters a dynamic, inclusive classroom atmosphere.
Collaborative approach, language acquisition, inclusive
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