This study explores the development of social protection terminology in English and Uzbek, exploring the complex interactions of historical, cultural and global influences. Through a comparative analysis covering traditional, colonial, industrial and global periods, we highlight the development networks that shaped the linguistic landscapes of social welfare discourse. From archival research, scientific literature, and linguistic analysis, we reveal key concepts of Family Care, mutual assistance, and community solidarity that support social protection terminology in both languages. From the colonial heritage of" poor relief "and" neighborhood solidarity "to the modern spread of terms such as" Social Security "and" social state", each stage of development reflects the evolving contours of Social Security Systems. In addition, the impact of globalization has been studied, emphasizing the integration of international terminology along with the preservation of linguistic and cultural identity. Highlighting the historical roots and contemporary dynamics of social protection terminology, this study helps to deeper understand the linguistic dimensions of social security discourse and emphasizes the importance of intercultural dialogue in shaping inclusive and equitable social policies.
Social protection, terminology, evolution, comparative analysisHow to Cite
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