The paper deals with the symbolic of numbers in paremiology of Uzbek and English that reflects national and cultural identity and the specificity of thinking of the Uzbek and English people. The topicality of the study is due to the fact that numerals from ancient times were endowed with sacred and symbolical meanings and were an important component of the language world picture of any ethnic group. The results of the study showed that the national-cultural specifics of these phraseological units and proverbs are formed under the influence of the following factors: 1) the symbolic meanings of numerals; 2) the influence of religious factors; 3) mythology and legends; 4) historical facts and events; 5) traditions and customs. The universal character of the numerals’ symbolic meanings determines the existence of similar in semantics phraseological units and proverbs both in English and in Uzbek. Differences in religion, mythology, history, traditions and customs of the English and Uzbek linguocultures determine the existence of certain phraseological units and proverbs with a numeral component in one of the languages and their national-cultural specificity.
Numerals, paremiological units with numeral components, language world pictureHow to Cite
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