The importance of studying Terminology in the modern world is undeniable, since Terminology is, on the one hand, a link between various fields of knowledge, and on the other hand, it contributes to a clear distinction between concepts. In connection with the rapid scientific and technological progress, it seems necessary to pay due attention to the terminological apparatus of various sciences. Terminology does not stand still, it is constantly evolving, expanding its boundaries. It is studied by both linguists and terminologists - representatives of the relevant fields of science and technology. The terminology of various sciences is characterized by some common features. At the same time, each scientific terminology related to a particular field of knowledge has its own special features. Legal terminology is of particular interest in this regard; its study allows us to reveal the specifics of this terminological system. Terminological systems are very diverse and far from homogeneous in the nature of the concepts denoted in them. The study of each particular industry terminology system gives rise to new questions. Thus, when studying terminological systems related to those areas of knowledge where it is necessary to designate such categories of concepts as actions and processes, the question arises about the possibility of using verbal lexemes and phrases in the terminological function. Legal terminology is one of the most important areas of Linguistics which requires from researchers and linguists a lot of attempt to discover linguistic features of legal words. The relevance of the topic of the undertaken research is determined by the fact that legal terminology is rightfully considered one of the most significant industry term systems. It should be noted that the terminology of law is widely used not only in the professional environment, but also in other areas of language communication, so there is a great demand for learning the language of law for special purposes. Legal terminology is a unique object of study, as it is characterized by a wide variety of areas of application compared to other terminological systems. In this article, I collect and study some legal terms from the useful sources and analyze from the linguistic point of view.
Law, legal terms, legal conceptsHow to Cite
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