The study of the history of the formation of lexical-semantic means of language in general and terminological vocabulary in particular is of great scientific, theoretical, and practical importance. In connection with the intensive development of all areas of modern knowledge, the problem of a comprehensive study of nominative terminological systems is becoming increasingly urgent.
The problem of terms as a special lexical-semantic category of words, as well as the relationship of terminological vocabulary with the rest of the vocabulary of the literary language, has not yet been sufficiently studied. In the study of terms, two main approaches are outlined - normative and descriptive. The normative approach, within the framework of which the basic requirements for the term were formulated (the author of the first of which was D.S. Lotte - unambiguity, accuracy, brevity, absence of synonyms, etc.) made it possible to create state, industry and international standards for terms and definitions, collections of recommended terms and terminological dictionaries.
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