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Choriyeva Zebiniso Bakhtiyar Kizi , Karshi State University, Faculty Of English Philology Teacher Of The Department Of Linguistics, Uzbekistan


According to Dahl, a riddle is "an allegory or allusion, a roundabout speech, a bluff, a brief allegorical description of a subject, proposed for a solution." The most accurate definition of a riddle is V.P. Anikin: "A riddle is a poetic complex image of a thing or event, made to test the ingenuity of a person, as well as to instill a poetic view of reality." A riddle is a brief description of a silent object or phenomenon according to similar or suggestive signs of another object or phenomenon. A riddle develops a poetic view of reality in a person, creates an unlimited field for fantasy. So, it can be seen that a riddle is a poetically complex image of a thing or event, made in order to test a person's ingenuity and at the same time instill a poetic view of reality.


Children's folklore, riddles,, stories of folk oral creativity


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Choriyeva Zebiniso Bakhtiyar Kizi. (2023). COMPARATIVE-TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF LINGUOCULTURAL TERMS IN UZBEK AND ENGLISH RIDDLES. American Journal of Philological Sciences, 3(05), 94–99.