There are plants in nature that can grow even in saline, arid lands and increase soil fertility and improve soil quality.
One such plant in the Leguminosae family is licorice, whose scientific name is Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) possesses high environmentoptimizing function, enriching soil with organic matter and improving physical and chemical properties and biological activity of the soil, provides the basis for sustainable reproduction of fertility of degraded saline soils.
In Uzbekistan, 49% of irrigated land is affected by salinity and there are many degraded, abandoned areas. An alternative to the modern practice of land desalinization, which requires the use of irrigation water in high quantities and in turn aggravation of soil properties, can be a biological method of restoring fertility by growing licorice.
Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn, biological, propertiesHow to Cite
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