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Norbоyeva Umida Toshtemirovna , Doctor Of Biological Sciences, Professor, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
Kholiyorova Nasiba Botirovna , Master's Student, Denov Institute Of Entrepreneurship And Pedagogy, Denov, Uzbekistan


The article presents the data obtained on the study of the characteristics of the effect of soil salinity on the transpiration rate of winter wheat varieties. The rate of transpiration was determined at the tuber, flowering and milk-ripening stages of the cultivars. Based on the given results, it was noted that the value of the above indicator varies to different degrees in the section of varieties, depending on the soil salinity and the biological and various characteristics of the varieties.


Winter wheat varieties, salinity, transpiration


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Norbоyeva Umida Toshtemirovna, & Kholiyorova Nasiba Botirovna. (2023). TRANSPIRATION RATES OF WINTER WHEAT CULTIVARS UNDER SALINE CONDITIONS. American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations, 3(02), 13–19.