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The influence of norms of sowing seeds and rates on grain yield in combination sowing of forage crops

Iminov Abduvali Abdumannobovich , Doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Republic of Uzbekistan
Karimova Marhabo Abdullaevna , PhD student, Research Institute of Cereals and Legumes, Republic of Uzbekistan
Rakhimov Azizbek Dilmuratovich , Doctor of philosophy in agricultural sciences, associate professor, Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Republic of Uzbekistan


The article presents data on the effect of seeding rates and ratios on grain yield when intercropping vetch, barley, and triticale in the conditions of pasture gray soils of the Andijan region. Intercropping triticale with vetch provided a higher grain yield of 6.1-9.7 q/ha compared to the option planted alone, intercropping barley with vetch provided a higher grain yield of 4.0-7.1 q/ha compared to the option planted alone, and intercropping vetch with barley provided a higher grain yield of 3.1-5.4 q/ha compared to the option planted alone.  


Barley, vetch, triticale


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Iminov Abduvali Abdumannobovich, Karimova Marhabo Abdullaevna, & Rakhimov Azizbek Dilmuratovich. (2025). The influence of norms of sowing seeds and rates on grain yield in combination sowing of forage crops. American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations, 5(01), 4–6.