Melissa Sica , Dept. DITEC, University of Basilicata - Potenza, ItalyAbstract
Plastic materials play a crucial role in modern European agriculture, offering solutions that enhance productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. This study provides a comprehensive review of the current utilization of plastic materials in agricultural practices across Europe and explores prospective developments shaping the future of their application. The review covers various uses of plastics, including irrigation systems, greenhouse coverings, mulching films, and protective barriers, highlighting their contributions to improving crop yields, resource management, and operational efficiency.
Current practices reveal that plastic materials are integral to contemporary agricultural techniques, offering significant advantages such as water conservation, temperature regulation, and weed control. Despite these benefits, the study also addresses concerns related to environmental impacts, including plastic waste and soil degradation. The analysis emphasizes ongoing efforts to mitigate these issues through the development of biodegradable plastics and recycling programs.
Looking ahead, the study identifies emerging trends and innovations poised to further transform the use of plastics in agriculture. These include advancements in smart plastics with embedded sensors for precision farming, enhanced recycling technologies, and the adoption of sustainable materials. The potential for these innovations to address current challenges and improve the overall sustainability of European agriculture is discussed.
Plastic materials, European agriculture, irrigation systems
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