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Haseeb Anjum , Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan


Maize, a staple crop crucial for global food security, requires optimal nutrient management for maximum yield and quality. This study investigates the impact of soil-applied elemental sulfur on maize growth and development. Elemental sulfur, when applied to the soil, undergoes microbial oxidation to sulfate, an essential nutrient for plants. Our research evaluates the effects of varying sulfur application rates on maize growth parameters, including plant height, biomass accumulation, and grain yield. The findings reveal that appropriate sulfur supplementation significantly enhances maize growth, improves nutrient uptake, and increases grain yield. This study underscores the importance of sulfur in maize cultivation and provides practical recommendations for farmers to optimize crop productivity through effective nutrient management.


Maize Growth, Elemental Sulfur, Soil-Applied Nutrients


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Haseeb Anjum. (2024). OPTIMIZING MAIZE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT WITH SOIL-APPLIED ELEMENTAL SULFUR. American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations, 4(06), 1–6. Retrieved from