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Bakhramova N.N. , Tashkent Scientific Research Institute for vaccines and serums, Uzbekistan
Abidova R.M. , Tashkent Scientific Research Institute for vaccines and serums, Uzbekistan
Ergashov O.I. , Tashkent Scientific Research Institute for vaccines and serums, Uzbekistan
Boymurodov B.T. , Tashkent Scientific Research Institute for vaccines and serums, Uzbekistan
Qalandarova F.S. , Tashkent Scientific Research Institute for vaccines and serums, Uzbekistan


In this research work presented, the results obtained in the study of the general pharmacological properties of plant damalamari with anti-anemia activity, in particular, the effect on the an analysis of the literature on antimicrobial and pathogenic fungal activity was carried out. All the studies carried out were carried out in different animals, which serves to increase the reliability level and efficiency values of these experiments. Thus, a fresh decoction, developed on the basis of local medicinal plants, is less poisonous, it is from local tickling, cumulative and allergic effects. At the same time, the possibilities of applying the studied extract damalam against microbes and pathogenic fungi mainly in solution are being studied. The overall safety or non-toxicity of each biologically active substance is important for this reason, in this article we did not dwell in detail on its main activity.


General pharmacology plant extract, pathogenic fungal activity, skin resorption


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Bakhramova N.N., Abidova R.M., Ergashov O.I., Boymurodov B.T., & Qalandarova F.S. (2023). ASSESSMENT OF THE ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTI-FUNGAL ACTIVITY OF THE BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE SUBSTANCE PREPARED FROM LOCAL PLANT EXTRACTS. American Journal Of Agriculture And Horticulture Innovations, 3(04), 29–36.