1. Reviewer Expertise:

    • Reviewers only accept a review assignment if you have the expertise and knowledge to evaluate the manuscript's content. If the topic or methodology is outside your expertise, kindly decline the invitation.
  2. Confidentiality:

    • All manuscripts received by reviewer for review are confidential documents. Do not share, discuss, or use any information from the manuscript before or after the review process.
  3. Timeliness:

    • Reviewers are essential in maintaining a timely publication process. Please respond to review invitations promptly and complete your review within the agreed-upon timeframe (usually 3-4 weeks). If you foresee any delays, inform the editor immediately.
  4. Constructive Feedback:

    • Provide clear, objective, and constructive feedback on the manuscript. Focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the research, including methodology, data analysis, and interpretation of results. Suggestions for improvement should be specific and actionable.
  5. Ethical Considerations:

    • Ensure that the manuscript adheres to ethical standards. Check for plagiarism, data fabrication, or any unethical practices. If you suspect misconduct, report it to the editor.
  6. Conflict of Interest:

    • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could affect your impartiality. If reviewer have collaborated with the authors, have a close personal relationship, or have a financial interest in the work, inform the editor.
  7. Clarity and Precision:

    • Maintain clear and precise communication in your review. Explain comments and suggestions in a way that is easy for both the authors and the editor to understand.
  8. Structure of the Review:

    • Organize review into sections such as "Major Concerns," "Minor Concerns," and "Editorial Comments." Provide a summary of your overall recommendation, such as "Accept," "Minor Revisions," "Major Revisions," or "Reject."
  9. Citations and References:

    • If reviewer gives reference any prior work in your review, provide the appropriate citations. Avoid making disparaging or personal comments.
  10. Confidential Comments to the Editor:

    • Use the confidential comments to the editor section to provide additional information, if necessary. Highlight any concerns that should be addressed during the editorial decision-making process.
  11. Reviewer Suggestions for Decision:

    • Reviewer Clearly state recommendation for the manuscript's fate. Be sure to explain reasoning for this recommendation.
  12. Reviewer's Tone:

    • Reviewer Maintain a professional and respectful tone in review. Remember that your goal is to help improve the quality of the manuscript.
  13. Follow the Journal's Guidelines:

    • Familiarize yourself with the specific review guidelines of the this journal, and ensure your review aligns with their requirements.
  14. Continuous Improvement:

    • Reflect on your own reviewing process and seek opportunities for improvement in your feedback and review practices.